Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Effects Of Abstinence Based Programs On Actual...

Additional research has explored the effects of abstinence based programs on actual behavior outcomes. Kohler, Manhart, and Lafferty (2008) compared the effects of abstinence-only and comprehensive sex education programs, operationalizing effectiveness in terms of initiation of sexual activity and teen pregnancy rates. They found that teenagers who received comprehensive sex education rather than abstinence-only or no education were significantly less likely to report a teenage pregnancy. In addition, their conclusions mirrored Sather and Kelly (2002), finding that abstinence-based programs did not reduce the likelihood of engaging in sexual activity. Kohler, Manhart, and Lafferty (2008) actually concluded that comprehensive sex education was more likely than abstinence based to reduce the percentage engaging in sexual activity. Overall, the researchers showed that comprehensive sex education, including but not limited to contraception, did not increase the prevalence of sexual activ ity in teenagers or the risk of teen pregnancy, while also showing the that abstinence only education produced a higher likelihood of pregnancy. These results have been corroborated in numerous studies: Santelli et al (2006), Ott and Santelli (2007), Kirby (2008), Haberland and Rogow (2015), etc. Additionally many studies have taken a large scale approach, looking at trends across the United States. Stanger-Hall and Hall (2011) investigated the change in teen pregnancy rates as statesShow MoreRelatedShould Sex Education Be Taught?2918 Words   |  12 Pagesback to my high school years, were we taught the right information? What type of sex education should be taught to decrease the numbers of teenage pregnancy? In my opinion students need to get taught the comprehensive sex education program. 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